659.62 ₹
Price for 1Important Information : - In the link field please put your username only without @ EX: username - PLEASE do NOT put more than 1 order for the same link at the same time to avoid overlap and we CAN\T CANCEL the order in this case. - IF the order is not delivered and marked as COMPLETE on the site please take a screenshot of the number of views and send us a ticket OTHERWISE we can\t help in any case. you can use this website to send screenshots: prnt.sc IMPORTANT : BEFORE ordering please go to your settings and do the following : Settings - Who Can Contact me 👉 Everyone Send Notification to me 👉 Everyone View My Story 👉 Everyone See me in quick add 👉 Enable NOTE : if you have already posted stories before doing those settings so please remove the stories and edit the settings then post them again then put the order. Info About the Service : - This service will deliver views to the first 5 Stories ONLYNotice: - In the link field: Put your account user on Snapchat without the @ sign - Do not place more than one request for the same link at the same time, unless the first request ends, so that there is no interference with the requests and we cannot cancel them. .......................... - Only put in the user, without the @ sign. - You get an addition percentage + a percentage of subscription to the profile - If you see the request is complete and it has not been sent, please take a screenshot and show the date and send it to us with tickets You can use the following website to send a screenshot snipboard.io